The first thing people online are targetting is your credit card details. Once they get hold of it, they will proceed to fleece you dry and siphon every bit of cash from you and leave you in a financial mess. This post is mainly to show you how the credit card format for yahoo is done and how you can protect yourself.
I will explain some of the ways other g-boys collect credit card details from their clients and enjoy life from the dollars they collect.
According to a lot of G-boys, this is one of the fastest ways to hit it big when you are going into Gee. It baffles me that a lot of clients read this and still fall flat when they meet someone asking them for their details. The reason why the credit card format is popular is that the conspirator can make purchases even without having money on the card.
Unlike your debit card, where you spend the amount inside the card, the credit card allows you to make purchases even without money. The only difference is the fact that you can only spend according to your credit score.
5 Ways to Use the Credit Card Format for Yahoo
A credit card
A Phishing Website
This is the best credit card format for yahoo guys. It is one of the best and fastest ways to collect a client’s credit card details. All they need is to create a perfect phishing website and sell something at a very cheap price. Then they will get lots of credit cards that they can use for their spending.
A phishing website is basically a fake website that looks like the original one. But the purpose is to collect sensitive information from people and use it to access their original website.
You can be asked to visit a bitcoin website or someone convincing you to buy bitcoin, then you proceed to buy bitcoin, this will make them have information about your card details.
Once you input your credit card details into the website, they can then collect them and use your details to do whatever you want to do online.
The Lover Format
First, they meet you and trick you into becoming lovers before they now manipulate you and do crazy things using the dating format. But there is another thing you can get from your client lover – is their credit card details.
One of the crazy things you can make them do is snap their credit card details and send them to you. This credit card format might be difficult, but it is safer.
Since your client believes you, it is always easy to buy things without the source getting blocked. It is also safer because no one will arrest you when the time to clear the money comes.
If I collect permission from my client to buy something of $500 from their credit card, no one will arrest me when the time comes – because I was given permission.
You can also collect their credit card details, make purchases, and block them online. It is also another way to use this credit card format for yahoo yahoo.
Use the “Call the Client” format
This format will work for those that have the following:
- An American accent
- A foreign number for calls
- Your client details (Name, card number, and card name)
The first step is to identify yourself with a fake badge number, and then you tell them their names and card number.
They can claim to be from the security and fraud department of a credit card company. Since you already have their details, all they will need is to make you tell them the answer to your security questions. They can ask something like…
“What is the name of your first pet?”
“What was the name of your first school?”
“Your favorite uncle’s last name is what?”
There are several other security questions they might be used to protect themselves. Once you have gotten the answer, the next thing to do is get the “CVC” number on the back of their card.
They can say something like
“Just to make sure you are the real owner of the card, can you confirm the last 3-digit numbers at the back of your card?”
The moment they call it out for you, just thank them for their time and assure them that their card is safe. Then you hang up immediately and go into buying whatever you want to buy.
Jamal a former hacker, explained about Keylogging. He said…
“It involves logging someone’s credit card information using keylogger software. Some of the best keyloggers are Spyrix, Refog, and Actual Keylogger.
You can also log your client’s keystrokes on mobile phones. For Android, for instance, some keystroke loggers are Flash Keylogger, Shadow, Keylogger, Smart Keylogger, and Typing Saver. Of course, you can get keyloggers for iOS devices, too, if your client uses an Apple iOS product.
The downside of this method for credit card format is that you must come in contact with the client and access their device. Then, you have to wait until they perform any action that includes inserting their credit card information online.
You can force someone to shop online with their credit card, though, so that they input their credit card information for the keylogger software to capture.
If your client knows their apps, they might discover and delete the keylogger app from their device.
First, install the software on your device and learn to set it up properly. If you can set it up properly, you may install it on your target’s computer or mobile phone.
Some keyloggers allow you to receive remote keystrokes. That is, you do not have to reaccess your target’s computer to obtain the keystrokes. It is sent to your email address directly.
Note that keystroke loggers also expose the security of someone’s phone to hackers that may be spying on the app.”
I was speaking to Christy, who is a security expert with a security ministry on the dangers of blackmail in connection with credit cards. She explained the following;
“You can blackmail someone into collecting their credit card or bank details. We have emotional, $£×ual, and allegation of blackmail. Regarding emotional blackmail, you have to get someone to love you and threaten to quit the relationship. When they plead that you stay, request their credit card details.
In $£×ual blackmail or $£×t0rti0n, you use adult pictures of someone to collect their credit card information. Get to love the person, and request their naked photos. It might take some months, but it works, and the person will share their credit card details.
The allegation of blackmail is when you lie about someone. Get the person to become timid by threatening to report them for an offence they did not commit. You can say that they stole your company’s information and that it has been traced to them. Tell them the case is underway, and they will be jailed for breaching your company’s data.”
How to Prevent the Credit Card Format for Yahoo
- Never give out personal information
- If you are being blackmailed, speak to your local police and they will escalate it
- Never trust anyone you meet on the internet.
- Don’t give out your bank information
There are other credit card formats for yahoo that can be used, but these ones mentioned here are the popular ones and the common ones you should be careful of. Keep safe out there.