All Billing Formats for Client – 20 Latest Yahoo Formats 2025

There are many billing formats for clients out there, and searching for each of them separately will confuse and get you tired. In this post, I have made the job easier, I will give you all billing formats for clients. No matter the client you have, these latest yahoo formats should be of great help to you.

I have used these latest yahoo formats to make over $20,000 from different clients, and I will be giving you all billing formats for client that I have used in the past. All you have to do is just edit them and use them for your own client too.

What is Billing Format

Don’t let anyone fool you, billing formats for yahoo are just like sales pitches that convinces someone to give you money. Every one uses it, big companies, small businesses, freelancers, and hustlers like us too.

The first time I heard about yahoo formats, I was wondering what it was, till a friend told me it is just a slang that shows someone who is begging for money and uses these excuses to make the person give you money. These excuses are called format and they are different.

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For hustlers who make a living by begging people for money online, it is becoming difficult because nobody wants to give again. Based on my investigation, I will be listing out all billing formats for clients. If you don’t want to give money, then you should be aware of these formats. If you are the one begging, then you can use these as excuses to get money from anyone.

All Billing Formats for Clients [Yahoo]

Meanwhile, if you haven’t figured out how to identify a scammer, then you should read this post.

A scammer Looking for the latest scamming format

Gift-Card Billing

Do you need gift cards from a friend, then you can cook up some excuses to make them buy you gift cards and send to you. I ask all my friends for gift cards using different excuses and they always send to me. I am pretty sure they are aware that I am messing around and lying, but they always send to me.

Which was why I am including the gift card billing as part of the all billing formats for client. For one of my clients, I jokingly told him that I needed gift card to update my Apple Family tunes to send him my playlist, and he laughed and send me gift cards a few days later.

To see a comprehensive format of the gift card, then read more about the gift card billing format.

Classified Format

This is another top scam format that a yahoo scammer can use to make money off our ignorance. The idea behind this classified format is that a scammer is dealing with classified ads to use to scam, which is important you know to be safe.

When using the classified format, the first thing a scammer does is visit any website where they post classified ads. Websites like Craiglist and eBay are all good places to find clients, including you and me. I use eBay and Craigslist a lot, and I’m certain you know about these platforms and have probably used them.

These are the steps yahoo scammers follow on Classified Scam Format:

  1. they visit the websites I mentioned above;
  2. look for any seller (they typically target those who are just newcomers to the website);
  3. the scammer then discusses with the seller to buy their products;
  4. They’ll then agree on an amount they are going to pay (let’s say $1,000);
  5. the scammer then looks for someone to help them Photoshop a fake check;
  6. the fake check is sent to the buyer at the address they give the scammer;
  7. in the Cheque, the scammer will overpay the seller (like $3,000), but will tell the seller to help transfer the change to charity;
  8. the seller is given the phone number of a picker (a person who will pick the money for the scammer), and tell you to send it to the person;
  9. the scammer then tells you that the “picker” is the person in charge of their charity donations;
  10. if a seller falls for this scam and pays the picker the money, the scammer then tells the picker to their share of the loot; and finally
  11. the scammer collects the funds and moves on to the next victim.

As you can see, this classified scam format is quite simple, and even the dumbest scammer can pull it on you, so you have to be careful! The only expenses the scammer incurs money is the fake check generation and the check shipping to the location of the unsuspecting seller.

Bitcoin/HYIP Scam Format

This is another very simple billing format for yahoo that they use to cash out fast from unsuspecting internet users. It works the same way as the investment format. See a complete post on the Bitcoin format.

With this latest format, I can collect money from commissions, exchange fees, and handling fees, when I help my clients invest and make money on their bitcoin.

Clients also know how volatile bitcoin is, and they are also aware of the risk. If they are no aware, then you can show it in a disclosure. This is one of the best billing format for client.

yahoo formats for bitcoin
A Fake Bitcoin Investment Website

Instagram Flipping

Instagram flipping is also one of the best billing formats for clients. For this section, I will show you how you can use Instagram flipping to collect money from your clients.

  1. First, you will need to buy a second existing Instagram account .
  2. Then you’d use the Instagram account to post good referrals about your investment program.
  3. Then you’d convince friends of the existing account that the flipping is real.
  4. You can charge for as little as $1000 for anyone who wants to invest with you.
  5. Immediately after a target pays the Bitcoin, the scammer blocks them and deletes their account.

It is as simple as that. So, make sure you protect all your accounts from scammers because you never know what they’re capable of once they successfully log into your them.

Job scam yahoo format

Most people are looking for jobs, which will make them fall for this yahoo format. Looking for a job is stressful for most people, and they will jump on any given opportunity no matter how dubious.

Unfortunately, a scammer is always out there to prey on desperate people. The scammer will attempt to give you a glimpse of hope that you can make a lot of money by offering you a job. You will receive emails with heading like “work from home and make money,” or “Perfect work from home job”. The scammer will also ask if you are prepared to make $1,300 by working from home, which can influence your thought process since there’s a lot of money to be made.

Scammers typically target jobless people with enticing offers. Their clients would be unemployed people or underpaid workers looking for an opportunity to change their jobs, so if you’re looking for a job, you want to be extremely careful and look out for the signs I expose in this section.

In the job scam using this latest yahoo format, a scammer will bomb your email, forcing you to register for the fake job so they are down to scamming ASAP.

Working Process of this scam yahoo format

For this format to be successful, a scammer uses the following tools:

  • a website
  • a company location
  • online reviews of people who have worked in your company before

All of these will help the scammer build credibility. So here is how to get started.

  • The scammer will send you an email, presenting you with an opportunity to be a part of your work at home.
  • They’ll tell you the benefits of working for their organization.
  • Then they ask you to send in your employment documents (any document – passport, CV, etc.).
  • After you send in your documents, the scammer will ask you to wait for review.
  • After a few days, the scammer gets back to you and tells you that you have successfully passed the first stage.
  • The next stage is when the scammer asks you to register to become a part of their working crew. They will lie that the money you pay is to allow you to get access to become a premium membership and get access to the job.
  • If you pay the so-called “membership fee” or whatever, they take your money and never get back to you.

The scammers can ask you to pay in BTC, gift card, or wire transfer so they never get caught.

Credit Rating Billing Format

Just perhaps you don’t know, most Americans have bad credit. What this means is that they can’t afford a lot of luxuries like a new house, car, or even take a loan. The majority of them need their credit rating to access most of these needs. Fortunately, this is a billing opportunity that you can leverage.

But it requires good level of technology and business sense.

  • You have to create a website
  • Make it look like a real business
  • Then start sourcing for clients.

scammers leverage this problem to scam desperate people looking to improve their credit overnight.

In this billing format for client, once you find a client, you will convince them to allow your company help them clear their bad credit rating and increase their credit score.

It is also good to offer a return-back money policy, just in case it doesn’t work. This way, they can trust you, and you can go ahead with your job and bill them before you proceed with the job.

Love Spell Latest Scamming Format

This love spell is another billing format for client that works, and it’s also a brilliant business idea. Many people are heartbroken and are looking for a way to make their lovers come back to them.

Once you have a client who is heartbroken and wish to get their lover back, then you can convince them to allow you handle the job. You can bill them depending on how much you charge. You just have to position yourself as a professional who has done it before and can always cast love spells.

If you have a website with testimonials, then it can also help you with trust. This is one of the latest yahoo formats out there if you are interested in advanced business.

This love spell caster website is the closest example of how your own website should look, and how you go about it.

The Inheritance Format

Scammers believe this format might have been exposed so much already and probably use it less on Americans and Europeans. It is known as the “Nigerian scam” in some cases, but it is still being used and you must look out to be safe.

The inheritance format works by a scammer reaching out to Europeans who have the money and looking for where to invest it. A scammer will inform you about an inheritance that can make you money, usually too good to be true.

Before a scammer uses the Inheritance format as a scamming format, they are careful in choosing a client to target. They sometimes even run a background check on you to be sure whom they are dealing with.

I have explained the inheritance format for beginners that you need to know to be on the safe side while chatting online with someone pretending to have a profitable investment. Below is a simple example of what the format looks like:

Grant Lotto Format

The average American wants to win a lottery in their lifetime. This has opened up a huge opportunity for scammers looking to leverage your desperation using the Grant Lotto Format.

The scammer will simply tell their target that they just won more than $50 million from Lotto, and all they need to claim the winning is to dro send their account number for instant payment. This latest scamming can work on just anybody, so be careful when you receive messages claiming you just won whatever amount of money.

The aim of collecting your account number is for the scammer to use some black hat methods to siphon money from your bank.

Consignment Billing Format

When you want to send your client a package in this billing format for client, it shouldn’t be free. Your client has to pay some delivery fee to make it a success.


Accident Billing Format

Included in the all billing formats for clients is the accident billing format. If you have a client that loves you so much, then you can use this to make them give you money.

Just like you tell you dad to send you money because you injured yourself, the same can be done to your clients.

It doesn’t have to be a devastating accident. If you need a more indepth knowledge on one of the best billing formats for clients, which is also one of the latest yahoo formats, then you can read more of the accident billing format.

accident billing format
A Well Edited Image for Accident Format to send to targets

Loan Format

The truth is that most people in the United States can’t access loans because they don’t have good credit. So with the loan format, you will try to give you the idea that you can get low-interest loans with any credit. If you are an interested client, the next step would be to make your client fill out a form, then apply for the loan.

Since you have confidential information about this type of loans, you can billing your client to access the loan. On top of that, you will also collect interest on the loan.

To make this work, you will need to collaborate with loan sharks companies and become a third-party agent for them.

Hookup Format

You already know how the main hookup works, then you can apply it to a client that is interested in you in an advanced way or deeper way. This is one of the best billing formats for clients, and it works in a very simple way.

Whether your client is a man or woman, many of them wanna have a feel of you, which is where the hookup game comes into play. It is bad for you to have any deep connection with a client. So if a client is feeling you, then they should pay for your time.

How does it work?

You can read more of the hookup billing format as one of the latest yahoo formats.

Oil Rig Format

As an engineer, you might run into some financial problems, and the only person who will bail you out will be your client. Whether you are an oil rig engineer or not, you can always claim to be one.

Just use this as an excuse to borrow money from your client. Then go ahead and use the money for your personal needs. Well, you can do well to pay back, so that they can loan you something bigger next time.

Conclusion on All Billing Formats for Client

There are other latest scamming formats that scammers can use to cash out from any client they make online. We will also keep updating this publication to capture what scammers do. Meanwhile, if you think there’s a new scam you’d want us to expose to the general public, do well to use the comment section or contact us with your story.

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