When trying to date your client, there are certain things that you have to take into consideration and keep in mind. One is that it isn’t easy to date and bill a client. So, if you want to chat with a client and bill them using a format, you’ll need to bring your A-game. This is why I will give you the chatting format for dating that you can use on dating applications.
In the last article, I have updated a list of dating apps where you can find quality people to date. But dating apps are useless if you don’t know how to keep a reasonable conversation. So you will have to know how to chat, keep your client intrigued, and let emotions continue to flow.
The more you keep your romantic client emotionally hooked, the more they can do anything for you. This is one of the tricks girls use when they want a man to do something for them without even asking for it. So now you know everything depends on how well you chat with your client, keep their emotions high, and ensure they always think of you.
Let me share with you the chatting format for dating and the secret steps I use to keep my clients loyal to me.
- The chatting format for dating is a method to emotionally hook clients on dating apps for financial gains.
- It involves reading the client’s profile, engaging in meaningful conversations about their interests, and building trust over time.
- The ultimate goal is to maintain the relationship until the scammer can bill or request money from the client.
How to Use the Chatting Format for Dating
The main goal is to follow the steps that have been outlined in this chatting format pdf. You already know some common questions to ask your clients; if you haven’t read them, click here to get common questions to ask your clients in dating.
Once you know these dating chat format questions, the following steps would be to apply them to your chatting and get your client to fall in love with you and date you.
Read their Bio on their Profile
One of the mistakes you might make is just starting your chat with a “Hello.” There is nothing as uninspiring and unconvincing as sending just a ‘hello” to someone as your first chat.
It is more difficult for you if you have a male profile since most women on dating apps have many people asking them out. So if you want your romantic date to read your message very fast, you will have to chat about something she likes.
The best place to get such information would be on her profile bio, that is if she has any on her profile. When you go through a romantic date’s bio on any application (dating app or social media), you will find something to help you start a conversation.
Let’s say your romantic date is a vegan. You will quickly use that to start the chatting format and say something like…
I thought I was the only vegan [here are some vegan foods available] on earth. I am so happy to find someone who shares the same beliefs as I do.
This is how to use the chatting format for dating. She will be more interested in replying back to you because
- You complimented her
- Both of you have something in common
With this in mind, she will pay attention to you, and you can now move to the next phase of the dating chat format.
Ask to know her likes and dislikes
For the chatting format for dating to continue, you will have to identify her likes and dislikes quickly; this will keep the chatting alive. You can take a clue from this example of chatting format for dating.
You: Nice to finally meet a fellow vegan online. So what are your likes and dislikes?
Her/Him: Well I love …
You: Funny enough, I also like … and I think I dislike …. more than you. It pisses me off so bad and if I had a superpower, I will abolish everything concerning it. haha
Once you know her likes and dislikes, you can continue chatting with her until it is time to change the subject. This is how the chatting format for dating continues.
Ask for their Relationship Status
To avoid wasting your time using the chatting format for dating, you should quickly check if they are emotionally available.
Since you are looking to use the dating format, it is advisable to know if they are looking for a relationship or a fling.
If it is a fling, then you can continue to try your luck, but if a serious relationship, then your pathway has become very clear.
Here is a romantic date chatting style to guide you.
You: When I find something I like, I make a small wish to make it come to pass. I wish that you are single. So let me ask you, are you in a relationship?
Her: No I am not, I broke up with my boyfriend last month due to …
You: Wow! I think I deserve the most Lucky Man Award. Haha. Hopefully, I get it sooner or later. But maybe at the end of the day, when everything works out fine, I will demand the “luckiest man alive Award”
You: So are you looking to give love a chance? I mean, if the love is true and real?
Her: [Wait for her answer]
You: I think I am really lucky, and I hope everything comes out true and real.
Now you have your client emotionally hooked on the chatting format; then you should press further.
Ask for their Job
Let’s say you are using a female profile. You do not want to waste time on a broke client looking to collect from you instead of sending you funds.
If your romantic client is unemployed, I suggest you cut them off immediately. But if they have a job, they might be a good fit for dating chat format.
Once they tell you their job, depending on the format you intend to use, you should chat with them about a job that relates to the format you want to use.
If you want to escalate using the military format, you will have to say something about the Military. I don’t recommend it because the format is somehow cast. Unless you are talking to someone unaware, you should find another format and use it.
You: So what do you do?
Her/Him: I work as ……….
You: Excellent! Do you enjoy your job?
Her/Him: Well, I don’t really enjoy it, but it pays the bills.
You: Well, I work as {insert your job here}. I enjoy my job because it is my passion.
You: So why don’t you want to change your job to something you are passionate about? If possible, I will be happy to support you.
Confirm if they are comfortable with long distance
In this chatting format for dating pdf, we also need to be clear about the distance. You know, some romantic clients do not fancy long distances. In fact, if you do not give them narratives that show that you will soon meet up with them, they quickly lose interest.
Since you aren’t with them in person, you will be looking to propose a long-distance relationship. Your next task while using chatting format for dating is to convince them to engage in a long-term relationship. The catch of the chatting format for dating would be that you will try as much as possible to meet with them soon.
If they accept the idea, then you should be excited. It means that the finish line is close already.
You shouldn’t pressure them if they don’t like the idea. Just take it slowly and continue to push bit by bit. The more value you add, the more you increase your chances for the right time.
You: What are your thoughts on a long-distance relationship?
Her/Him: Well, I am not a fan, but I can always give it a try
You: I am not close to you at the moment, but it won’t be for a long time. I know that I will be with you soon enough. Do you think it’s possible to wait for me?
Her: Sure; when will you be coming?
You: Soon enough. I want to finish my Gold contract here, and then find my way to the United States. [You should say this if you use the Gold Format]
Maintain the Relationship Till the Billing
If I do not emphasize the importance of retaining the relationship in this downloadable chatting format pdf, then I would be keeping information from you. When you eventually land a romantic client, you must put in the work to keep the relationship going—the goal is to make it lead to something serious.
So, your job is to maintain the relationship till it is time for billing. Make sure that you make your client invest in the relationship.
You can make them do small tasks such as singing for you and other small kinds of stuff. If interacting with a married man, for example, you want them to be crazy for you.
That way, they put effort into the relationship, too, so it isn’t one-sided. That is how the chatting format for dating works.
Download the Chatting Format for Dating
If you need a guide on how to keep your chat interesting while using the chatting format for dating, then I have created a PDF that will help you. This PDF will guide you to make exciting chats.
One thing that will make the chatting format not work is using bland chats. It is vital to make your chats lively, emotional, and exciting. That way, you win the heart of your client fast and easily.
I have created a chatting format for dating in a PDF, so download it and read it. It will help you if you follow the tips I mentioned there.
So, not only have we looked at how anyone can find a romantic client using dating chat format, but I have additionally provided you with the chatting format for dating pdf for download.
In this premium chatting format for dating, I have simplified the process. You can also read about the love format for clients and see how to make your romantic client fall in love. That way, you have the chatting format arsenal to face any client.
If you have questions, send me a DM on Instagram, and I will respond and guide you. Follow me on Instagram @dsmartlazyhustler and send me a DM.
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