You’ve probably been blackmailed once or more in your lifetime but what you didn’t know is that it’s yahoo blackmail format being used on you. And as with my culture, I decided to investigate how the whole process works, down to the payment stage where the client or victim is ripped off funds.
The current new wave of yahoo formats to make money for smart hustlers is the yahoo blackmail format (according to my research). This format to make money from yahoo is currently known only by a few hustlers worldwide. This scam format is also similar to the FBI format I recently investigated and exposed.
Scammers face a little setback using the blackmail format. And this setback leads them into asking the following questions:
- What can the police do about blackmail?
- Is blackmail really a crime?
- Is it illegal to do the yahoo blackmail format?
Well, the simple answer is the obvious, blackmail is a crime, thus it’s illegal.
Requirements for Any Yahoo Blackmail
An unsuspecting woman being blackmailed
In the course of my research, I’ve also figured out the tools/requirements the average illegal hustler needs to do this yahoo format for money. They include the following:
Bitcoin Wallet
This is the first requirement because the scammer will convince the victim to pay through Bitcoin. A scammer must have an active Bitcoin account that they’ll refer to you (the target or potential victim) for payment of the blackmail. Alternatively, they can use bank wire if they don’t want the Bitcoin format. You might be interested in reading a bit on one of my latest findings about the Bitcoin yahoo format to know how the Bitcoin format works, as well as how to protect yourself online from blackmailers.
Fake Photos
Scammers pick photos from platforms that are less used. I discovered several platforms with user profiles that are no longer being used for years now. Guess what? Facebook is one of those. Such dormant profiles are usually those of deceased people or people who could no longer access their accounts after forgetting their password and losing their email addresses. Using fake pictures also mean that the client (you) will not be able to track their identity.
As with any business (legal or illegal), Photoshop is always necessary to edit the photos to block Google Image Search technology from revealing them to targets. You’re probably aware of the reverse image search functionality on Google and other platforms. This tool allows people to search for similar images. A scammer knows that a client may run reverse image searches on them, so they edit them to bypass getting busted.
PC/Mobile Phone
My investigation also shows that the best option is to use a PC for successful yahoo blackmail. But then, not every scammer has a PC or can afford it. As such, some rely on their Android device or iPhone for the blackmail scam to work.
Postal Address
A scammer also needs a postal address to forward the blackmail letter to the target and get a response. Most scammers do not recommend the idea of using a postal office though.
It seems like VPNs are created for yahoo boys or internet scams. The makers of VPN know that people need to disable their IP location sometimes, and so VPN technology changes the IP address of the blackmailer.
Fake Email Address and Phone Number
Email addresses and phone numbers will be required in this format, following my investigation. However, using the phone number is not necessary, and most scammers do not. They also avoid having any audio conversation with the target—whether the target is innocent or guilty of an act they’ll be blackmailing them with. Most even buy an email or phone number before they get into the yahoo yahoo blackmail scam.
Grammar Tool
Lots of yahoo boys have very poor grammar, and you can attest to this. The moment they mail the target, the target already knows that they are fake due to bad grammar. A scammer who has problems writing blackmail letters to convince targets will use a grammar tool like Grammarly.
Example of Formats for Yahoo Blackmail
There are hundreds of yahoo formats for blackmail to make money following my investigation. In this research article, I have exposed every most used one that professional, illegal hustlers use to make money. I will also highlight some platforms where the blackmail yahoo format is used to scam legally.
Let’s see some of them and how scammers collect money from people successfully.
$£×ual Yahoo Blackmail ($£×t0rtion)
A woman blackmailed with Seex
At the moment, this is the number one yahoo blackmail format I’ve discovered, and feel people need to know to protect themselves online. This involves a swindler contacting a girl and making her send you her nu..des. Once they have her nu..des, they do not hesitate to threaten her with a blackmail letter. The victim will immediately beg the scammer to delete the photos and videos and collect any amount of money they want.
This format is different from the romance or dating scams I recently exposed and that you may already know. While a romance scam begs for money, this blackmail scam makes the victim beg the scammer instead.
How Swindlers Do $£×ual Format
The first thing a scammer does is pick a platform. The platform could be Facebook, dating sites, etc. When they decide on the platform that they like, they go on and add someone—it could be you or anyone. If they are posing as a man, that target only women or gay men. And, if they are posing as a woman, that targets men and lesbians.
The swindler then chats up the target and tells them how much they need ‘love’. The thing about this scam format is that the scammer does not need to ask you for money at all. However, it takes some time to work. Now, they chat with the girl or man every time and make them feel loved. As time goes on, the scammer starts exchanging good photos with their client.
Note: This format requires nu…de photos. If the scammer is using your identity, you are not to allow your face to appear on the nu..des.
When she (or the client) starts sending, the scammer will se…x chat more to make them weet. Once the scammer has a huge collection of your ñvd£$ with your faces showing, they’d tell you that they have a feeling that you cheated and that they’ll revenge by exposing their nu…des. You will now be forced to beg them until they ask you to send money to their Bitcoin wallet or forget about pleading with them not to leak your intimate photos online.
Emotional Yahoo Blackmail
This blackmail format is almost similar to that of se…xual blackmail. Here, a scammer has to play with the target’s emotions until they get paid. Simply, they use the same step in that of se…xual blackmail to gather clients.
After having the clients, the swindler engages in at least a week of chat with you. Why this format is not often used is because it isn’t as effective as that of $£×ual blackmail. This is because a scammer needs enough time to get the girl or man to trust and love them.
Moreover, succeeding in this particular yahoo blackmail format could see one exploring many rich places. The reason is that the client will become very attached and want the scammer wherever they are. The yahoo boys in Asia mostly use their real faces when doing this blackmail yahoo. In the process, they don’t need any VPN or fake photos to play the blackmail.
Defamation Yahoo Blackmail
This is the blackmail played on the big goons like lawyers, politicians, ministers, etc. Since it pays millions of dollars, yahoo boys have ventured into it. There is a very high record of this yahoo in the US, especially when the target is guilty of something.
In this format, the scammer will mail a target and accuse them of something they know nothing about. They can refer to them as one of the armed robbers that recently attacked them. Or the thief that was caught in their grocery store recently. The target will deny it at first but will be pressured to pay.
How Swindlers Do Defamation Blackmail
Let me tell you what a Chinese yahoo boy did (which I discovered during my investigation). You can also develop a new strategy from it. Mr. Chu is an unpopular man but popular in the yahoo boys’ world. He sent a postal mail to a target and threatened to deal with him for attacking his store on a so and so date. The name of the store does not exist, and so, the target denied it. He sent a final warning alongside the target’s passport, which he says was found in the store. Now, the client became afraid even though he was innocent and made payments in Bitcoin.
What did Chu do? He downloaded the picture of the client and turned it into a passport. He even made a fake driver’s license and made it look real with the target’s license. Out of fear, the target paid $5,000 in Bitcoin.
I didn’t end my investigations here—I went ahead to verify how money is collected from unsuspecting people via the blackmail format for yahoo.
How to Collect Payment after Using the Yahoo Blackmail Format
Collecting payment after successful blackmail of any kind is not hard (from the success stories I read on several scam websites). It’s all about creating a BTC wallet and then sending out the scammer’s address to the client. Here is a simple step a scammer follows and collects the blackmailing payment.
- Create a BTC account.
- Open the wallet interface and select ‘Receive.’
- Create a public BTC address.
- Copy and share the address with the target.
- The target will then use that address to pay in the money.
Note: a scammer will include a step-by-step guide for you to follow to make the payment. The reason is that not everyone knows how to make BTC payments, and the scammer is well aware of this.
Best Places to Use the Yahoo Blackmail Format
Let me equally expose to you the places where any yahoo blackmail is currently working now so that you can be careful when dealing with people there:
- Dating Sites
- Postal Office
Now that you know the common places where blackmail scams can be done, let’s see what my investigation contains about how scammers blackmail unsuspecting people on Facebook.
How to blackmail Someone on Facebook
The most rampant technique is the ‘Facebook messenger $£×t0rtion’, which I come across on Facebook daily. Scammers believe it’s recommendable to use a hacked Facebook account or buy a Facebook account from the black market. If they don’t want stress, they use VPN and create a fake Facebook account.
They don’t use photos from Facebook and pictures from Google. If they want to use photos from Google, they screenshot the image or use Adobe Lighthouse to clear the property files that Google uses to track photos during a reverse image search. Also, they edit the photo to confuse Google. Scammers will add the friends they want on Facebook and make money blackmailing them.
How to Blackmail Someone on Instagram
Instagram blackmail is similar to that of Facebook blackmail and I’m now exposing how Instagram blackmail works, so you protect yourself from this vice. Instagram has a stricter policy that can identify an account as fake and block it. I recently reviewed how to create a fake Instagram account for pranks to avoid being blocked but even scammers do this as well.
A con man can use any blackmail format on Instagram, but North American yahoo boys recommend $£×ual blackmail and defamation blackmail on Instagram. They just create a fake account or buy an account and then create a fake Instagram account. They then chat some people up and then initiate any blackmail format to get money from them.
How to Blackmail Someone on Dating Sites
Yahoo dating sites are another powerful place scammers use to do yahoo blackmail. Platforms like Tinder and others allow them to hook up with anybody and then scam them. However, my research reveals that scammers think it’s not recommended to scam while on the dating platform. Thus, they move the chat to Hangout or Email and attack the target with any blackmail format.
It is also believed that a con artist must use it on desperate older men or women who need love and intimacy. Once they get their victim, they ask them to send money to their Bitcoin wallet or threaten to expose them instantly if they don’t get paid.
How to Blackmail with Email
It seems a lot of yahoo boys are withdrawing from the email yahoo. They feel that there are too many yahoo hustlers using the platform. For them to get the best from blackmailing professionally, they have switched. Why scammers prefer email is that it has zero identity traceability compared to others.
The scammer simply obtains your’ email addresses and forwards them the blackmail letters. Once you get the email, you’ll be forced to credit their BTC wallet instantly. Just be smart and don’t forget to go through their grammar to tell it’s a scam.
Moreover, if you’re being blackmailed, report it to your local authorities.
How to Blackmail through the Postal Office
This scam is common in the USA. There are other countries like India and South Korea. Postal blackmail started a very long time ago. It is the first platform that scammers used to blackmail for money.
Final Thoughts
The yahoo formats for blackmail are common internet scams for making money, so watch up before you become a victim.
I made an article exposing how scammers blackmail someone and collect money. The article currently contains two sample blackmail letters that these scammers use to rip innocent people off. Don’t fail to go through it to help you know what scammers are currently putting in place to steal funds.
Please between b***kmail format and Binary format which one is the best to earn more money
Mike Bush
Bitcoin is less risk and offers more opportunities.