It’s not easy for someone to just give you money when you have not provided any services for them. Also, sometimes, politeness doesn’t work, otherwise, everyone asking for money would always get it. But I will help you to use politeness and get money from someone. I just have a few tips, perhaps, things you did not know could help you to ask for money politely and get it from anyone.
This is very important when trying to ask for money via text messages or even physically. You are caught between stating facts and trying to ask for money politely. When it comes to asking for money from friends or family, the feeling can be uncomfortable and can make you say things you don’t intend to say. The good news is that there are specific steps you can take when asking for money, either as a borrower or lender, to avoid the uncomfortable feeling.
How to Ask for Money Politely as a Borrower
I will be showing you how to ask for money politely and the tricks that have helped me over the years. If you want to ask for money politely – when you are supposed to get the money anyway, then you have to follow the steps below:
Start with a Polite But Firm Greeting
I understand you want to ask for money, but you don’t need to sound like you are begging. When you demean yourself, no one will value you enough to give you money. Most times, I suggest you start your greeting with a “Dear {first name}” It not only shows that you respect them, but it also indicates that you have self-value and even good respect for yourself too.
Try and Understand Their Situation
In one of the asking for money text messages I composed, I suggested that you try and empathize with those you want to ask for money from. It is also another trick to ask for money politely. Try and understand their situation before pressing your demands.
I understand things might be problematic in terms of finances. The global economy isn’t friendly at all – which I understand. This will make them believe that you have their situations at heart, and that might create good grounds to read the other part of your SMS. This steps is one of the steps I mentioned when looking to convince people to give you money.
Explain Why You Need the Money
When trying to ask people for money, they believe you want to add it to your existing river of millions. There is no way to force them to bring out the money unless you want to take legal action.
That way, we try to exploit their human side to know if it might make them have a rethink. In explaining what you need the money for and asking for money politely, bring up pitiable situations.
Saying something like;
“I need money to invest in a Government Bond.”
It would make your debtor feel reluctant to give you the money.
I think a brilliant idea would be;
“Many things came up, and I am reaching out to know if I can use the money to survive. Things have taken a downturn, and I am just hanging on. Please, I need the money at this point. I know you can help me with the money.”
Give them Flexible Conditions
When asking for money politely and using the asking for money text messages, most people are willing to give you but skeptical about paying all (especially when the sum is huge).
It is advisable to give them flexible conditions to provide you with the money. Paying you in installments is also a huge option you might want to explore.
I wouldn’t mind if you can give me 30% of the money I am requesting now and pay up in 2 months. Frankly speaking, I sincerely need this amount to survive till then.
I don’t think anyone who has the conscience would deny giving you money at this point.
Thank Them and Drop your Account Details
This isn’t faith for Christians, and it is saving time for further exchange of text messages or emails. Just after you’ve written all that, drop your account details and tell them you are hoping for a favourable response/action. Ps. You should only consider including your account details without the person asking only if you have a friendly relationship with the person. You wouldn’t want to do this to just anyone because it will come out as being rude and too blunt.
“Thanks so much {first name}, here are my account details _____________. I will be waiting for a favourable response from you. Thanks.
That ends in a simple but powerful way. All you need do is wait for some days before sending a reminder asking for money text message again.
Now you have seen the best way to ask for money politely. You can go ahead and customize yours to suit your needs. Make sure you don’t send the same message to one person twice.
How to Ask for Money Politely as a Lender
When someone owes you money and has defaulted in payment, being polite when asking for your money is difficult. You want to literally threaten, insult, and pounce on them at any given chance. It becomes worse when a family member or friend is the person defaulting on payment.
There are several ways to ask for money politely as a lender that will make sure you collect your money and also keep your relationship.
Set Reminders and Deadlines
Once you’ve contacted a debtor who has defaulted on payment, the best starting point would be to allow them to know that they missed payment, but you aren’t holding it against them. Give them a period of grace, then explain to them why you need the money at that time.
Be Stern but Sensitive
Make it clear that you are looking to get your money back at that said date, but also let them know that you understand their situation.
Let them Understand your Situation Also
If possible, tell stories of how life is bad for you also, and how you gave them the money in good faith and out of trust. Inform them of your own difficulties and how you intend to use the money to solve some of your problems. This way, they will understand that life is equally tough for you too.
Practice Good Communication
As time rolls by, always keep in touch with your debtor, not reminding them of their debt, but rather, about their welfare and how life is treating them.
The trick is that when people like you they rarely want to hurt your feelings. If the person is a close friend or family, discuss with them ways to improve their lives, and show them opportunities to increase their earnings, that way, they start to open up to you.
Understand That They Might Not Pay You Back Immediately
Accepting that you may never get your money back at the appointed time will help you reduce the shock that comes when it happens. Reducing the shock means that you still get to treat them in a polite way even without getting your money back. If the sum of money is quite huge and you’ve tried ways to ask for money politely, then you can consider getting legal assistance.
So, that’s just how to ask for money politely from anyone. The bottom line is making sure you pass across your message, while not hurting the feeling of the other party. At first, it feels difficult, but with the steps I have outlined in this article, I believe it should become quite easy for you.
If you have questions, you can hit me up using the comment section. Cheers.
Read Also: How to Attract Money From God
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